Join a Curling Club

Want to play indoor or outdoor curling on a regular basis? Want to get more competitive and play in the regional, South Island and National championships or go to the Olympics? Join one of the curling clubs that are based in Central Otago and the Queenstown Lakes District and play in one of the many leagues or competitions and learn from the best.

Find a club near you from those listed below.

Central Otago Curling Area

< Updated ‘Sketch map of the Central Otago Curling area’ from Alan Lloyd’s Curling in Central Otago (1976) showing new clubs in Idaburn Curling Council.

Number indicate clubs ordered by date established:

2. Blackstone Hill
3. Upper Manuherikia
5. Cambrian
6. Alpine
8. Rough Ridge
10. Oturehua
11. Lauder
12. Becks
16. Poolburn
17. Dunstan Creek
19. Alexandra
21. Manorburn
23. Chatto Creek
25. Lowburn

Macrae Trophy

Lochie Macrae was a member of the Alexandra Curling Club. The competition started in 1993, the year that the new outdoor ice rink opened.  The round-robin section play of the Macrae Trophy is played every Monday and Wednesday, generally starting in late May/early June, with the finals in mid-July.


< The Manorburn team took the McCraes Trophy for the 2023 Season

Sanders Matangi Station Trophy

With the new style comes a new trophy to play for. The hack competition is now playing for this beautiful trophy very kindly donated by John Sanders from Matangi Station.

The trophy is appropriately a Scottish quaich which is Scotland’s cup of friendship. The quaich has been used through the centuries to offer a welcoming drink at clan gatherings and family occasions and to welcome friends and visitors.

Other Idaburn Council competitions include Loper Challenge and Jerry Sanders Trophy.

Further competitions are arranged between the Clubs. Such matches include the John Webb Memorial Challenge, Poolburn Cup, Webster Cup, Wilson Cup, Brown Shield, Robert Mee Cup, Frank Pyle Cup, Wilson Rose bowl, and Jennings Cup.


As an affiliated member of the New Zealand Curling, which in turn is affiliated with the World Curling Federation, the Idaburn Curling Clubs operate within a broader network of curling organisations, further enhancing their commitment to excellence.