The Super Hero League is where fast-paced ice hockey awaits children from years 1 to 8 in primary school. Whether you’re a new player or an experienced one, we offer an exhilarating experience on the ice.
- We have some wicked outfits, costumes and uniforms
- Every week, we organise fun and competitive ice hockey games
- To make it affordable, we offer gear rentals, ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary equipment
Our goal is to provide an enjoyable and engaging experience for all participants. Players have the opportunity to join super hero-themed teams and compete in thrilling 3-on-3 cross-ice games on a weekly basis. This format not only promotes fun and camaraderie but also serves as a transition for players who have completed a learn-to-play program. It has become a beloved choice among both parents and players.
Join us in the Super Hero League for an unforgettable journey into the world of ice hockey!